A pandemic, a minority government and our 44th election–nothing we asked for, but have to do right by. An election in the midst of the fourth wave of this pandemic is not what many Canadians wanted, but this is politics.
Federal Election 2021
Vote Canada Disability Benefit
The proposed Canada Disability Benefit is a big deal. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to significantly reduce the poverty experienced by 1.4 million Canadians with disabilities.
Party platforms and disability
Here are the different party platforms and what they say about helping people with disabilities.
How To Vote & Accessibility
Elections Canada is committed to responding to the diverse needs of Canadians. We make every effort to make voting as...
Our Five Asks
The disabled population in Canada forms a considerable voting base. Pre-pandemic, 22% of all Canadians were disabled. Political parties need to pay attention to what is important to the more than 6 million disabled Canadians in advance of the federal election on September 20.